where possibilities are limitless
Short Term
Accommodation and Assistance
This type of support is to assist in creating skills for the participant to provide self-care, accommodation, food and activities in a centre or group residence for short periods.
The NDA are aware that temporary accommodation and assistance may be prevalent at difference stages of participants lives. This service is created for participants that are not experiencing their usual routines and perhaps need Short-Term Accommodation (STA) in a group-based facility.
This service could include a temporary respite, allowing the participant to be supported with ongoing arrangements of care between participants and their careers.
STA/respite allows the opportunity for the participant to be supported by someone else whilst for their carer with short term breaks from their usual caring roles.
This is inclusive of expenses in a 24-hour period including assistance with self-care or community access activities, accommodation, food, and a consultative range of activities.
With our “Support” mentality, our Participants have full choice and control over who supports them,
all Participants meet their support team and can select which staff they feel suits them and their goals.
We provide 24/7 on-call support and relief staff, with staff that knows all our Participants,
our Participants will never have a support staff whom they have not met.